Speaker Repairs / Is a High End, Expensive Speaker Cable Worth the Cost?
Finally! You are in the store buying the sound system of your dreams when the sales guy asks if you want to buy good quality speaker wire to make sure your audio system is performing at peak quality. Well, of course you do! What is the difference between the normal cable and the good stuff? Not much - just 5x's the cost or more! But for the best sound, it makes sense to buy the better product - you get what you pay for right? Well, unfortunately, not necessarily. There is a very lively debate in the audio circles as to the benefit of using high quality cables that have gold/silver components, oxygen free environment, etc. Really the answer comes to "it depends". There are number of commentators out there who state that the expensive speaker cable has zero beneficial effect on the sound. They will point to basic physics and formulas to illustrate that it has no bearing. Next, they will highlight double blind tests where participants have been subjected to mus...